Friday, August 31, 2012

ThreeCrows: The Republican party is no longer follows the aura of

ThreeCrows: The Republican party is no longer follows the aura of: "A federal judge just knocked down the Texas voter ID law because in all of the millions of votes conducted in Texas, the number of voter fraud totaled up to 16. The Republicans have created this fallacy and fable that all of a sudden, America is under siege with voter fraud and it must be stopped. In the Texas case, the judge realized that the only ones who will be impacted by this voter ID law would be the poor and the Republicans know this. They are creating this unwarranted fear when in truth, there is no rampant voter fraud going on unless you're rich and you can pay people to vote your way. The Republicans want to keep minorities out of the voting booth this fall and that's why they are pushing this agenda. Nobody is fooled by this move or the lies they've been spewing. Richard Nixon's ghost has been raised in this new Republican party."

'via Blog this'

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