Sunday, August 26, 2012

Eve Ensler: Dear Mr. Akin, I Want You to Imagine...

Eve Ensler: Dear Mr. Akin, I Want You to Imagine...: "Todd Akins has given 2012 either the number one phrase or at least a top five phrase, "legitimate rape" , for the year. And he has garnered some misguided followers with his pseudoscience that rape won't impregnate a woman. And what dies he say to Jaycee Dugard and the recently found young girl who were held captive and raped and impregnated by their captors, why did their biology from the stress stop them from getting pregnant? Maybe they were children getting raped and he has to come up with another bone headed answer to qualify that scenario? And if the Republicans can think they can separate themselves from Akin's philosophy, we've come to find out that several Republicans subscribe to his way of thinking, including Paul Ryan. From tampering with the voting rights act to controlling women's reproductive rights, the Republicans can't hide from their obstructionist ways."

'via Blog this'

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