Friday, August 24, 2012

Bill Maher: My New Rule for Todd Akin and the Republican Party

Bill Maher: My New Rule for Todd Akin and the Republican Party: "Oh to rage against the machine, Bill Maher but I must take one exception to this piece of fine soliloquy. You stated that there is a difference between the GOP convention and Comic Con. I disagree. You see, I feel that the GOP must think that they are the Jedi Council or the Darth Mauls. Surely they all think that they have the ability to say anything so unbelievable that they can convince the public that it's true. Jedi Master John Boehner wants to convince you Obama increased the federal dole by adding 200,000 workers, not true. Darth Maul Mitch McConnel makes no bones about defeating this rebel upstart by opposing anything that's can benefit the public because for no other reason other than he can. Mitt Romney, a weaker Darth Maul, wants you to believe that Obama is changing the rules of work and welfare and the true Darth Vader, Dick Cheney, has destroyed the economic policies of the globe, created wars and defiled the concept of human decency. Newt Gingrich has become a probe droid and Paul Ryan, the former free thinker, is Romney's padawan. May the force be with us."

'via Blog this'

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