Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Barbara Walters, Elisabeth Hasselbeck Argue Over Mitt Romney Video (VIDEO)

The View

Barbara Walters, Elisabeth Hasselbeck Argue Over Mitt Romney Video (VIDEO): "With apologies to the blind, this is an example of the blind leading the stupid when it comes to the rants and ravings of Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Anyone with a stick of common sense would know better to get behind this floundering campaign of Mitt Romney and yet this floating buoy has been adrift in the deepest parts of the sea having yet to grow a spine or a truthful opinion about her own party. She is truly the parrot of Republican followers. If it's raining outside and Mitt tells her it's sunny, she'll report it just so. She missed the entire point of the video leak and what it means to this election process. Mitt is not who he say he is and while he sat around his Fortune 500 segregated club members, his true self came forth and he denigrated half of the voting populous with generalities. He also tossed in some hint of racism with the "those people" comment and yet this blond feels insulted for being addressed down. Well, this isn't Survivor, Elizabeth, this is the real world so the American people will vote Mitt off the presidential contest."

'via Blog this'

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