Thursday, July 12, 2012

Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report

Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report: "There should be a drinking game called "will of the American people" each time a Republican politician uses that phrase. It must be the mantra for all causes and excuses for the Republicans to use when they try to justify their meandering, obstructionist ways. It's to the point where the phrase is almost blasphemous by the manner in which they use and abuse that phrase. They have deluded themselves into thinking that what they are doing is a just and worthy cause but when the taxpayers find a $50 million dollar bill for wasting time, you immediately go to the point of what else could that money have been better spent on? How many jobs could people have been employed with that sum? John Boehner and his lot don't see it that way, it's more about what else can they do to make this president look bad and how much more can they damage the will of the American people. With Mitt Romney's Bain Capital tenure starting to unravel, they must do something to turn the tide on this race."

'via Blog this'

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