Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ed Gillespie: Mitt Romney 'Retired Retroactively' From Bain Capital

Ed Gillespie: Mitt Romney 'Retired Retroactively' From Bain Capital: "Is being retired retroactively is the same as being pregnant retroactively with Mitt Romney? Isn't it wonderful how these guys can up up with words that will paint over their incompetence of factual information? Mitt's claim of being the man who knows business and he would rather see GM and Chrysler go bankrupt and that would have brought a major toll of American job loss had he been in charge. And it's interesting that he blamed Obama for the increase in gas prices but when gas prices went down, he was silent. And he was the reluctant Republican nominee that everyone had to swallow their egos and accept his eventual candidacy through this reality show style process of elimination. It's Republican Fear Factor, Michelle couldn't eat the bag of worms, Rick Santorum couldn't kiss another man full on the lips, Herman couldn't pass up a bevy of airline hostesses, Rick Perry couldn't spell Chernobyl, Newt couldn't pass up chocolate cake and Ron Paul couldn't get rid of the gray so by default, the nominee is Mitt Romney. The only thing he has to do is reveal your taxes, offshore accounts and explain why your name shows up on SEC filings. Hurry, we're a few months away from the big contest."

'via Blog this'

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