Monday, July 2, 2012

Anderson Cooper Comes Out: 'The Fact Is, I'm Gay'

Anderson Cooper Comes Out: 'The Fact Is, I'm Gay': "The fact is, 30 million people have no health insurance
The fact is, 35,000 people had to flee their homes due to the ravishing wild fires in Colorado
The fact is, the public has grown weary of another celebrity announcement of being gay
The fact is, heterosexuals never get equal announcements or parades
The fact is, didn't we a;ready know this without him having to make a declaration
The fact is, this wasn't breaking news
The fact is, unemployment figures are coming out
The fact is, people want jobs and security
The fact is, Mitt Romney scares me as a president
The fact is, Anderson Cooper's sexuality is his business
The fact is, JP Morgan Chase may have lost $9 billion and I'm a customer that may have to foot the bill
The fact is, Congress has sat on it's hands for too long just to make a president look bad
The fact is, energy prices may have gone down but the problem still exist and Congress is frittering sway a chance to fix it"

'via Blog this'

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