Thursday, June 14, 2012

Miranda Kerr Sheer Shirt: How To Not 'Dress Like A Wife'? (PHOTOS)

Miranda Kerr Sheer Shirt: How To Not 'Dress Like A Wife'? (PHOTOS): "Kate Moss may have a point, just the other day I saw a very attractive woman wearing those mom shorts, the kind that stops right above the knee. I had the same thought, what happen to women to dress this way and give off those vibes of I'm not even trying anymore cause I just put this on because that's what the clothes manufacturers tell moms to wear. Miranda Kerr is what we want to see, she hasn't resigned her faith that she has to dress in the mommy army fatigues that somebody else prescribed. You don't have to be famous to dress the way Miranda does but you can if you so choose and get that handle of MILF. Why resign yourself into these roles that just because you're a mother your sexuality has to take a hit? June Cleaver never wore the mommy shorts, she was dressed nice and made an effort and even though that was make believe, she and Donna Reed were original MILF's."

'via Blog this'

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