Saturday, May 18, 2019

Image result for Cloak & Dagger, Season 2, Ep. 8When we last left our dynamic duo, Tyrone had just found the motel where Tandy was being held against her will and Tandy had found her hope again that restored her power as she was cutting her way through walls that eventually led her way to her freedom and finally face to face with Tyrone. At that moment, you saw the bond between them starting to gain momentum. In those brief moments, Tandy was being more honest with her emotions that allowed Tyrone to reciprocate that wasn’t allowed for him to experience when you factor in the environment he was in living with his parents. Image result for Cloak & Dagger, Season 2, Ep. 8Still, the two perhaps had no idea as to what they were feeling and the meaning it had. Unfortunately, Tyrone collapses leaving Tandy to struggle with the unconscious Tyrone. So, what does one half of the divine pairing is going to do?

Cloak & Dagger, Season 2, Ep. 8

Two Player Review

Tandy calls the one person who understands the dark magic, Evita. We hadn’t seen too much of Evita as she has been noticeably absent in these past episodes and I suspect it was by design because Tyrone and Tandy are heading into their own world considering the past events the duo has faced. Tandy calls Evita who doesn’t notice the lifeless body of her Aunt Chantelle lying on the floor. Evita, in the meantime, makes her way to the abandoned church of Tandy and Tyrone where she finds Tyrone still unconscious. Image result for Cloak & Dagger, Season 2, Ep. 8Bridget had arrived earlier as they watch Evita go through her Vodou rituals. Whatever is going on with Tyrone is going on internally with his spirit. Tandy surmises that she needs to go back in and save Tyrone. Bridget also is coming along to see for herself and to experience this passage.
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As Tandy and Bridget walk though Tyrone’s spirit, the spirit of Aunt Chantelle shows up to counsel Evita. Evita earlier had been disturbed by some readings she had divined through a couple of tosses. What she didn’t know was that those readings were true, Aunt Chantelle was dancing with her ancestors now. Aunt Chantelle goes on to say that in order to save Tyrone that she must marry Papa Legba. Evita has no plans for that, she has plans for college, for everything but what Auntie proposes but Auntie tells her that it was always part of her legacy that this would happen. The horror and reluctance are painted on Evita’s face as she soon realizes that she must do this in order to save Tyrone and the ramification that it holds.
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Tandy and Bridget are back at the Roxxon service station meeting the spirit who looks at Bridget and says that her other half refused to pay. Mayhem is still trapped inside. Tandy pays her toll with candy and she’s off to see Tyrone who’s playing a video that looks like it’s a vintage game from the ’80s. It is a video game of Tandy and Tyrone battle bad guys that will lead them out of the darkness.
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Bridget, on the other, is facing her doppelganger, Mayhem, at Andre’s record store. Mayhem informs her that Andre has been using his abilities to get the girls who Bridget deduce is playing tricks on their minds. Bridget comes to terms with Mayhem knowing that without Mayhem, she can’t effectively do her job because she is lacking her aggressive id any longer. She urges Mayhem to go along with the proposition but also to listen and not to attack everything in such a reckless manner. Mayhem agrees to the proposal.

Adina, Ty’s mother, has met with the former priest. She comes to him with the evidence Connors has passed on to her implicating the parties responsible for her son’s death and for Ty’s murder charges. The former priest tells her that he can’t take the documents unless it comes with a confession. In a makeshift confessional booth divider, Adina tells him what she had done where she reveals that after Connors had given her the information, she shot and killed him. Her confession wasn’t to relieve her soul but to help Tyrone’s wrongful accusation of murder. We continue to see this downward tortured spiral of Adina’s self-worth slowly disintegrate with no lifeline helping her.

Tandy and Tyrone are making their way from level to level until they find themselves back at the motel where they face Andre. Tandy suddenly disappears leaving Tyrone facing Andre alone. He soon pops back to where Tandy is where they started, at the arcade game room. In the course of this transition, Tandy states that she can only do what she is doing only if Tyrone is there by her side and Tyrone expresses that the reason why he came after her was that he couldn’t live without her.
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What we have here is another door is starting to open with Tandy and Tyrone and that this pairing is about to evolve. Baron Samedi, the proprietor of the dark word arcade is about to pass judgment on Tyrone until he spots a bouquet of weeds that signals to him that Tyrone’s debt has been paid. Evita has married Papa Legba unbeknownst to Tyrone.

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They return to the real word along with mayhem but we do not see Bridget. Is she still inside? Tandy makes it back home to find her mother M.I.A. She finds empty liquor bottles which let her know that her mother has fallen off the wagon. Tyrone has found Evita distant and isolating, Tandy is on the floor crying when Tyrone pops in. Tandy doesn’t flinch when he materialized. He sits down next to her and places his arm around her. She looks at him and her world becomes a little better. With two episodes left, what’s next for these two?

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