Friday, May 24, 2019

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Cloak & Dagger, Season 2, Ep. 9

Blue Note Review

On the eve of Cloak & Dagger’s season finale, Blue Note builds on the intense ultimate showdown between Tandy, Tyrone, and their nemesis, Andre. I must say, Andre, is a good villain, a different kind of villain, a more steady non-typical villain. He is smooth and detached but it was not necessarily by design and more from circumstances. We get to see Andre’s back story in this episode. We come to discover that Andre had gained abilities like Tyrone and Tandy following the Roxxon explosion on that fateful night. Andre was preparing to kill himself by jumping off a high structure at the moment of the explosion. He had been suffering from intense debilitating migraine headaches and wanted the suffering to end. After the explosion, he evolved into something and someone by choice. A sinister and diabolical despot who manipulates the very emotions of a person.
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When Tandy and Tyrone manifested their powers, they didn’t take advantage of the situation by robbing and killing people. They chose to use their powers for good. Andre’s decision to be evil is a matter of free will. Let’s go back at the time of the explosion and Andre’s reincarnation into evil. At the hospital, Andre meets Lia who was a doctor. As he complains about his migraine, he touches her hand and he is transported to an empty record store. This symbolizes as this weigh station for people’s subconscious. The record bins are empty until he sees Lia’s life album. He takes it out and plays it. He soon realizes that the power that he has eases the pain of the migraine. But Andre wasn’t done by any stretch of the imagination. He discovered that the more women he encounters the more he basically minds rapes their very existence from them, he could later have them as emotional sex slaves and as physical sex slaves but it was that emotional channel that had served him well.
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In the meantime, Andre has left Lia lying by the side of the road after he has mind raped her into a coma. Mayhem and Tandy recover her shell. With Tyrone by her side, Tandy and he goes into Lia’s subconscious to find only a lit basement door. They enter it and walks into Lia’s life at the hospital where she is talking to Andre. They think that Andre is a part of her subconscious but Andre interacts with Tandy and Tyrone much to their surprise. You can call this a pissing ground moment as Tyrone flex his game with Andre. Tandy and Tyrone move on and find another basement door and in it is Lia’s childhood as a musician. Tandy takes her sheet music and only alludes to it being a solution.
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We begin to realize that Lia had been a victim to Andre. Somewhere in this unhealthy arrangement, Lia was put in charge of trafficking the girls. Now a debate came to be made as to where her culpability lies in the kidnapping and drugging the girls into sex slavery. Was she conditioned by Andre to partake in this practice? Why would he leave her on the side of the road if she reached the point where she was no longer a benefit for him? Andre has reached the point where he is going to ascend in his power to what he perceived as God-like status.
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Tyrone flexes his powers to a couple of gang members to find where Andre will be. He basically scares them into telling him by popping each one in and out and on top of roofs and falling down off said roofs to the point where they become willing subjects and offer up where Andre might be. Tandy and Ty go to the location where they find Andre is playing his horn among a throng of victims. You come to realize that Lia and Andre had this common bond and that was music. Andre uses this to give him domination over the women including Tandy’s mother who is in the crowd under Andre’s spell. She attempts to wake her up but to no avail. Tyrone tells Tandy to throw a glowing knife at him but she is emotional and hesitates. Finally, she throws one and it goes into his cloud where he pops on stage with Andre and the glowing knife enters Andre where he collapses. But it may have been too late. Andre is by himself and as he gets up and walks to the door, there is applause and a bright light on the other side of the door. Andre walks through. Has he ascended to God-like status?
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With each passing episode, the level of intensity increases. We want to fill in the blanks because this is a normal function that’s a given to the fans of the show. I don’t think that the next episode will have enough time to settle with what if going on this season. The Bridget/Mayhem dynamic is nowhere being reached to any sort of compromise or solutions, Adina apparently is a murderer of Detective Connors, Evita is a married woman to Voodon, and Tandy and Tyrone have yet to go full on with their powers. In Cloak & Daggers season ender, I see cliffhangers aplenty so says, Auntie Chantelle.

Image result for Cloak & Dagger, Season 2, Ep. 9

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