Thursday, July 30, 2020

NASA Thinks It’s A Good Idea To Bring Alien Life Back from Mars

I’ve Seen That Movie and I say, OH HELL NO!

NASA has launched it’s the latest mission to Mars. The expedition is called Mars 202 Perseverance and its objective is to return to the Red Planet d search for signs of life, ancient or otherwise, collect it and somehow return to earth with it. There has been a lot of hoopla surrounding this declaration from many in the egghead community of scientists and the nerd world. The excitement is nearly palpable. This mission will introduce a new piece of hardware into the exploration of the surface of the planet. There will be the Mars Helicopter making aerial maneuvers for a wider view to the surface that the Mars Rover could not accomplish. The Perseverance rover has better state-of-the-art technology for exploration of the Jezero Crater and a long-dormant lake bed on the surface of the planet. It will be able to bore into the surface with better proficiency algorithms. It is NASA’s contentions of finding any signs of life, collect it, and return it back to earth. While this may be a scientifically genius of an idea, I would ask, has anyone ask this question, “What if we bring back something that will wipe out life on this planet?”

If Mars had life, what caused it to disappear? Most kids and some adults have envisioned themselves taking the helm of some version of a starship exploring the stars. It’s a healthy avocation to dream in such grandeur while remaining earthbound. We envision being James T. Kirk, discovering new planets and new civilizations. But James T. Kirk’s star trek had protocols in place when it came to not interfering with civilizations that were not technologically advanced in order for them to avoid upsetting their own pace into advancing their civilization.

I don’t know if NASA has any policy or procedure when it comes to them removing signs of life from another planet? If I were on a starship and I came across any lifeforms, living or dead, one of my top ten protocols would be to keep those particular lifeforms, living or dead, on that planet and not introduce it into earth’s atmosphere.

When NASA brings back whatever sample they discover, are there any protocols to keep that sample quarantine for the duration it’s in this atmosphere? They know nothing of what this sample may contain. Would it by a biological threat or not? If they want to witness what an agent that so far can’t be contained, they should take a closer look at what COVID-19 is doing to this planet. As of this writing, there are over 18 million with the contagion and over 671,000 deaths with no signs of abating.

Who’s bright idea was this to bring back Mars samples in the first place? Who was the deciding factor in greenlighting this? It’s not just the NASA took an action that is beyond the scope of their decision making prowess, it’s a decision that should have been made by a committee of an across the board panel of people from all walks of life and by other countries as well. NASA is wanting to bring an alien to this planet and we’re cool with this? NASA is not an autonomous body. It’s a government agency spending billions of dollars on taxpayers' monies on space travel, space stations, shuttles, satellites, etc. Now they want life from Mars. Shouldn’t we get a vote on this because this is really important? Somewhere in the national election, there should have been a referendum on whether or not we should bring back any life from Mars.

It seems as if I’ve seen this movie before with some thick-as-a-brick, arrogant, hardheaded, pompous, asshole of a scientist who is hellbent on ignoring opposing facts, the science or anything else that tells him (it’s always a man) that his science is flawed and should not be attempted. But the knucklehead obfuscates, cajole, lie and does the unthinkable and gets the project off only to find that his bullheaded logic was flawed and now the whole planet is doomed.

We’ve seen this before in countless TV and movies. The X-Files covered the subject of alien parasites. Of course who could forget Alien and the sequels. That would be my second protocol should we land on an alien planet. Do not go near any plants that open up when you get near it and don’t just stand there waiting for something to happen because if you come back with something that has eaten through your spacesuit and is stuck on your face, neck, back or any part of your human anatomy, your ass will be left behind.

Is it too late to stop this particular option of bringing back alien life from another planet? Should we consider initiated certain protocols that could easily affect things on Earth? Should NASA not take it upon itself to make decisions of this nature that could have an impact on more than just the United States but also having an impact on a global spectrum?

Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate at the agency’s headquarters in Washington has stated that “Perseverance is going to make discoveries that cause us to rethink our questions about what Mars was like and how we understand it today. As our instruments investigate rocks along an ancient lake bottom and select samples to return to Earth, we may very well be reaching back in time to get the information scientists to need to say that life has existed elsewhere in the universe.” That may be all well and good but when your face is slowly being melted off, the last thing you are thinking about is rethinking about where we are in the universe, your face is melting thanks to a Mars alien spore.

Mars has been there for billions of years. Our puny understanding of Mars is like being on the scale of a 1,000-year-old Sequoia tree and a seedling. We’re the seedling of limited knowledge. These NASA scientists are talking about converting Martian carbon dioxide into oxygen. I believe that was an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, Total Recall, where they worked on Mars and didn’t know that an ancient civilization had machines that could convert the atmosphere into breathable air. It seems as if NASA is starting to believe in science fiction than scientific facts. There is the old saying that you must learn to crawl before you walk. Well, we’re not even in the crawling phase as yet. We’re still in the Fallopian tube traveling down the canal waiting to get introduced to the sperm but wait, there some sort of sheath preventing the sperm from reaching that egg of knowledge. We’re not ready for that journey, it’s still too far away. We still haven’t mastered the speed of light yet and until we do, let’s leave the alien life resting comfortably on their home planet.

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